Vision Impaired Program
For several years, ALC Marrakech has offered scholarships to visually impaired students. Through partnerships with a local association and a school for the visually impaired, the center now welcomes over 50 students who attend the main programs or specialist classes.
Main Program
The ALC and its teachers aim to fully support students who attend the main programs; where possible textbooks are provided in Braille, students receive weekly tutoring sessions, and IT solutions are used to enhance students’ studies. The center also runs regular workshops for teachers to share ideas and develop approaches to working with visually impaired students in the classroom. We are continually working to develop the program in order to enable our scholarship students to become confident, independent and successful
language learners.
Specialist Classes
In 2012, ALC began running separate classes for visually impaired children. Using bespoke materials and tailored teaching techniques, the classes have proved both effective and informative. We now teach 20 visually impaired children (aged 7 - 11 years old) in this program, many of whom will go on to join the main programs at ALC Marrakech. These classes provide invaluable insight for the overall program; specific activities, resources and approaches employed in these classes continually inform how we can best integrate visually impaired students into our mainstream classes.

Social Program
Alongside English classes, ALC Marrakech offers ongoing social activities for our visually impaired students. Over the past few years, we have worked with a group of local volunteers and English speaking ex-pats to deliver a program of special events, cultural activities and excursions. These events offer unique and rewarding experiences for all involved, encouraging positive integration between our sighted and non-sighted students and local communities.